Cultural visit to Casa dels Entremesos

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


January 17, 2018

 The wealth of traditional Catalan folk culture is so extensive that the Coordinadora de Colles de Gegants i Bestiari de Ciutat Vella has created a specific centre of production and dissemination. This is the Casa dels Entremesos, a venture that provides the public with festive imaginary (giants, dwarfs, bestiary), the world of fire (devils, jugglers, fire bestiary) without forgetting traditional Catalan dance and music. This cultural centre located in Plaça de les Beates 2 in Barcelona, takes its name from the accommodation which in 1439 was established by Royal Decree for the maintenance and preservation of giant figures which took part in Barcelona festivals. Many centuries later, the New Casa dels Entremesos provides workshops and courses, conferences, concerts, theme exhibitions, a library and many other activities programmed throughout the year, with the aim of recuperating and bringing one of the most unique traditions of our country closer to the public. 

Casa dels entremesos

As part of the corners stone courses (BACL250 and SOCG210), students participated in a guided visit in this center and got to know more information about Catalan Culture and were even able to hold a Gegant by themselves!

Guided visit in Casa dels Entremesos
