Cooking Workshop

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


March 15, 2016

Scrumptious dinner at the Cooking Workshop!

Today we went with our students to a cooking class where they learned how to cook some of the most authentic local cuisine, and we had a lot of fun!

The students had to prepare four well-known Spanish and Catalan dishes. Among these popular dishes, they learned how to cook romesco sauce for the calçots (a Catalan sauce usually served with a type of sweet onion called calçot), tortilla de patatas with pan con tomate (potato omelet with tomato bread), paella in Valencian style and crema catalana (a very famous Catalan custard dessert).

The class was very well-organized. The students were split into two groups from the beginning in order to work better, and both groups did an excellent job at preparing these traditional and tasty dishes. They learned from the cooking lesson very fast, and the best part was that all food they had been cooking with enthusiasm throughout the evening tasted really good! All of us loved to have such a wonderful meal after the hard work, and our students went home having learned a lifetime lesson that they will never forget now that they know the recipes!

In short, the Cooking Workshop was a unique hands-on experience that the students enjoyed very much. The atmosphere was great, our students proved to be excellent cooks, and they gained deeper cultural knowledge that they –and their appetites– will never forget!


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