Bidding Farewell to Summer Students

Dr. Jaume Gelabert Director, Arcadia in Spain


July 27, 2015

"The heat is on, the heat is on, yeah yeah, it's on the streets" sang Glen Frey in 1984. Well, that is very much how we felt this summer in Barcelona. This also shows how old the Program Director is.

But now onto what really matters: it's been an intense and wonderful summer program in Barcelona for Arcadia and Clemson University students. We have had the chance to explore the city (Barcelona is awesome all year round; in the summer, it takes 'awesomeness' to a whole different degree).

We visited the Horta Labyrinth, the Montserrat mountains, we had tapas, we visited the Camp Nou, home stadium of FC Barcelona (where Jaume gave a unbiased, objective tour of the best team in the world's home stadium). We also went to the beach and enjoyed the leisurely joie de vivre of the city in the terraces. Despite going through not one but two heat waves (upper 90s everyday!), our students made the best of it and came to Spanish class, core course, Sports and Society and Photography class highly focused (and wearing flip flops and sun tan marks).

That's how we do it in Barcelona, combining leisure and hard work. It's been a fantastic summer program and we already miss all of them, just hoping they'll come see us soon! We hope they enjoyed Barcelona as much as we enjoyed having them among us.