Barcelona Photo Contest!

Dr. Jaume Gelabert Director, Arcadia in Spain


March 26, 2015

Spring 2015

Do you consider yourself a shutterbug? Love to Instagram? Have taken plenty of snaps while here in the city? Well, this Photo Contest is for you!

Barcelona provides tons of opportunities for photographers, and we want to see what you've captured during your time here with us. The theme of this semesters contest is, “Your Experience in Barcelona”. Submit an image that reflects on your experience in the city - whatever that may mean to you.

Enter today, and you could win a special prize!

Submit your entry by noon on 27 March to be considered. Send photos to Maria Bascon at Please read the all rules before you enter (see below).

Best of luck!



  • The contest is open to all Arcadia in Barcelona students. 
  • Participants may submit one (1) photograph they have taken pertaining to the “Your Experience in Barcelona” theme. Your entry should include your best photo of Barcelona, which reflects upon your experience in the city.
  • Submit your entry by noon on 27 March to be considered. Email
  • Your submission (email) must include a name, title of the photograph, place where it was taken and a short paragraph explaining why this picture reflects your experience in Barcelona.
  • Photographs will be posted on Facebook for viewing starting Monday, 30 March.
  • Voting will take place at the reception area, by ballot box. Maria will have ballots available for rating images. *Please do not vote for yourself!
  • Voting closes at 4:00PM on Tuesday, 7 April.