Barcelona Center Open House

Dr. Jaume Gelabert Director, Arcadia in Spain


November 19, 2018

The Arcadia University Barcelona Center celebrated an Open House on Thursday, November 8th, coinciding with the CIEE Annual Conference in Barcelona. We had the pleasure to have with us, Lorna Stern, Vice President of Arcadia University and Executive Director of The College of Global Studies. Also, a special guest was our Assistant Director in Granada, Dr. Marta Cabrera, who spoke about our program in Granada. Additionally, the whole Barcelona staff: Agustina Balacco (Student Life and Support Services Coordinator), Elena Lázaro (Housing and Accounting Coordinator), Sílvia Serra (Associate Director) and Jaume Gelabert (Director for Spain and Cuba programs), engaged with our guests, and chatted about the program, and the current affairs in Barcelona.

The Open House featured an explanation and a quiz (almost everyone passed!) on Catalan Gastronomy by Professor Mercè Civera, who explained the origin and significance of the traditional dishes served (fideuà -a noodle paella-, mar i montanya - a combination of cuttlefish and meatballs-, cold cuts, espinacs a la catalana –spinach with pine nuts and raisins–, and coca de recapte, a delicious flatbread with vegetables and anchovy, truly a Catalan version of pizza). Wine of different parts of Catalonia was also served, with their corresponding explanation.

The event was attended by representatives of Belmont University: Dr. Mimi Barnard and Dr. Thandi Dinani, as well as of University of Kentucky: Ms. Amaya de Vicente, Ms. Miko McFarland, Ms. Molly McMahon. We also had the pleasure of having with us, Dr. Lucia Conte of Universitat Pompeu Fabra as well as Ms. Yukiko Okazaki of Fundación Ortega y Gasset. Both institutions are partners of The College of Global Studies in Barcelona and Toledo respectively. In addition, several faculty members of the Arcadia Barcelona Center attended and engaged lively in conversation with our overseas visitors.

It was a great evening of connecting with current and prospective partner institutions, as well as sharing some delicious Catalan food!