A Note From a Student


March 20, 2020

Jack Harris is a Belmont University student and was a participant on our Spring 2020 Arcadia in Barcelona program before having to come home early due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Jack recently wrote this note to us upon his return home. This was a boost to our spirits to receive this note from Jack during these difficult times, and a nice reminder of the impact study abroad can have.

" Good morning to the wonderful staff at the Arcadia Center in Barcelona!

I just wanted to write you all to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the experience that you gave me this semester. Words cannot describe how profoundly grateful I am that I had Agustina, Silvia, Elena, and Jaume as my staff.

I was very nervous coming in as a late student having missed all orientation activities, but you all gave me such a kind and warm welcome. I felt like a full part of the team by the end of the day.

You each individually do such an incredible job at making the Arcadia Center in Barcelona the unique place that it is, and my experience wouldn't have been the same without you. I was VERY on the fence about studying abroad this semester, and now looking back it was absolutely the best decision I've ever made (even if it was for only 2 and a half months). Even though the program got cut short, I am so glad I chose THIS semester to do it, and I would do it again. I thought we had an amazing group of students, and the friendships I made will no doubt last me a lifetime.

Though the semester is not over, I just wanted to write you and say I will miss seeing your smiling faces every morning after my daily walk down Bruc, and I envy any study abroad student who gets to have you all for a full semester!

Thank you for all that you do, I have become a better person because of it. Keep up the good work!


Jack Harris


Student Life