Student Volunteering Week 2016

Emma Grant Senior Student Services Officer


February 25, 2016

There is so much to be learned and gained through helping others and donating just a few hours out of your week.

This week is Student Volunteering Week and we want to celebrate the incredible Arcadia students who have been volunteering this semester.

Between reading for classes, exploring Europe & adjusting to life living in a foreign country - it’s no small feat cramming volunteering in to that as well. But the fact that some students do choose to give up some of that precious time to volunteer and help others, only makes it all the more commendable and valuable.

So far this semester we have had students volunteer at The Foodbank, St Luke’s Older People’s Project & a local Soup Kitchen (to name a few!)

Katie Carter a student from Azusa Pacific University studying on the Arcadia in London program recently volunteered at a local Soup Kitchen. Katie was kind enough to share a few words with us on her experience below.

"One thing we learned that was incredibly saddening after seeing the amount of people that depend on this establishment for food, is that they are often unable to open due to lack of volunteers. They only need five volunteers for three hours to open and feed the homeless but there are some days they can't even get that. The experience as a whole was very fulfilling and enlightening because I was provided with the opportunity to see a side of London that would have otherwise been hidden. I was able to talk to a few of the men and learn a little about their lives and where they've come from, missed opportunities, their goals for the future, and even some of the places they've traveled to. It was great to be able to connect with them on a personal level because I feel like so many times we become desensitized to this harsh reality due to how society portrays this group of people. I look forward to other volunteering opportunities! There is so much to be learned and gained through helping others and donating just a few hours out of your week."

Not only does volunteering allow you to access the local community in a meaningful way and make a positive difference while you are here - there is lots to be gained from it for you too.

  • Great way to meet the locals & discover new places
  •  Valuable experience to add to your CV 
  • Good for your mental & physical health 
  • Gain new skills and increase confidence

We do understand that there is lots that you want to get out of your semester abroad and that your limited time means committing to a regular weekly volunteer slot can be a challenge. For this reason, with the help of Camden Volunteer Centre we have put together some one-off volunteering opportunities that you can sign up for and details of these can be found on our Spring Facebook Page.

Thanks to all our volunteers, volunteering organisations and the Camden Volunteer Center for all their support with volunteering opportunities this semester!