
James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


November 11, 2013

This weekend our students were able to experience the wonders of Edinburgh; the heart of Scotland. As soon as our train began its winding path through the Scottish countryside (even treating us to a flurry of snow) the magic began.

Once we had arrived and were all checked in, we jumped straight into the action with a historic walking tour of the city. We were taken through the New Town and into the Old. We visited monuments, the Royal Mile and a graveyard – just as the sun was setting with a view of Edinburgh Castle in the background. One Brandeis student said that the tour ‘definitely peaked my interest for the rest of the city.’ Emma Bostian, a direct enroll student at City university, loved the tour and thought that the guide was ‘great.’

The students had free time on Saturday evening and they took advantage of the time to do some souvenir shopping. Many tartans scarves were purchased, both to take a little bit of Scotland home and to fight off the cold!

On the Sunday the students were able to enter Edinburgh Castle. Not only was the castle itself beautiful and awe inspiring, but the views were spectacular. Arthur’s Seat dominated the skyline.

One student said that the castle was ‘beautiful! The architecture is gorgeous and the views from the top were lovely!’ Olivia Box, a Hamilton students, said ‘I loved the castle. It had beautiful views as well as rich and accessible history. It was definitely a big highlight for me.’

The trip was a huge success. The train journey back to London was a quiet one, as we were all exhausted, but a satisfied one too.