Bath & Stonehenge – A Step Back into History

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


October 23, 2013

On Saturday we took our students, by coach, to visit the ancient site of Stonehenge. It is a site that is still shrouded in much mystery and that mystery is it’s greatest draw. Who constructed Stonehenge and why? Why did those people feel the need to drag those giant stones all the way from Wales? What was so special about that particular spot? We shall never know the truth but there is something incredibly powerful about witnessing this standing testament to history. Our students agreed and found themselves in awe of the stone monument that was constructed as long ago as 3000 BC.

The trip then carried us along to the beautiful Roman city of Bath. The clouds cleared and we were blessed with blue skies as we took a walking tour of the city and visited the Roman Baths. Like Stonehenge, Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage site and it was immediately clear as to why. Every way that we turned we saw history and the tour guides were enthusiastic and informative about the groundbreaking town planning that surrounded us.

The students were also provided with entry into the Roman Baths which seemed to be the highlight for many of them, particularly those that have studied Latin. Not only did they get to stand beside the baths themselves, but there was also a very informative exhibition to satiate their curiosity.

Finally, the students were given some free time to explore and to savoir the sights of Bath, yet the absolute highlight of the trip might have been when we were leaving, odd as that may sound. The sun was setting behind the hills as we drove up and away, casting the city, tucked within the rolling green hills, with a beautiful orange glow. The sight was breathtaking and a fitting end to a wonderful day.

If any of you caught a good snapshot of that, then you have the envy of the rest of us.