Arcadia Clubs

David Crout Associate Director for Student Services


January 19, 2015

Now that you are getting settled in to life in London, and all around the UK, you may be turning your attention to your day to day plans. Your options are plentiful, and may even seem a little overwhelming. So we figure we’ll give you even more choices to mull over!

Here at Arcadia we offer the following clubs that you can get involved in…


Creative Writing

Natalie is a published author, having released  her first book, The Wolf's Cry, in 2014. While she contnues work on the follow-ups, she is looking forward to talking all things books with you! This is not an academic workshop. It is intended as some fun for all book lovers out there. Whether you are already a writer, or if you simply fancy trying it out, this group is for you. The idea is that there are no constraints to your imagination. This group will meet weekly. And of course, all members can take away a free copy of The Wolf's Cry if they so wish.

There is a competition element to this club, too. You will be encouraged to submit a piece of original creative writing by the end of the semester. The winner will receive two books of their choice worth up to £20.

For out of London students, you are more than welcome to submit a piece of creative writing. And Natalie would also be happy to discuss your writing with you via email, if you so wish.

If you have any questions regarding Creative Writing, contact Natalie Crown at

Talk Sport

Every week, alternating between the London Center and the Princess Louise Pub, this club will meet to, simply, talk sport! Each week you will discuss and debate what is currently going on in UK Sport, with a different weekly focus. This will range from football to tennis, motorsport, US sport and much more.

Throughout the semester there is also an online "Challenge Phil" competition. More information will follow on the facebook group after the first meeting. Points are awarded for guessing sport results correctly. Prizes are up for grabs!

For out of London students, please do get involved with the Challenge Phil portion of the competition.

If you have any questions regarding Talk Sport, contact Phil Cable at


Free London 

Studying abroad can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be! Every Monday Kimberley will post a free event on the Facebook group, often national deals, available wherever you are studying!

Over the course of the semester, Kimberley will find all the best FREE events for you to take part in. So, if you have not joined the facebook group yet, you can do so here.

If you have any questions regarding Free London, contact Kimberley at


Green CLUB

The UK has some fantastic green space and national parks for you to explore whether you're in London or outside of London, such as The South Downs and National Forest in the south,  The Lake District in the north and the Cotswolds and the Peak District in the midlands.

If you are in London though, you may find yourself yearning for green spaces, trees, leaves, and birds – London has plenty to offer. The Green  Club will introduce you to hidden and not so hidden green spaces of London.

60% of London is open land and 47% of Greater London is green. As well as the 3,000 parks, 142 local nature reserves, 36 sites of special scientific interest, 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 2 National Nature Reserves within the city’s limits, there are 3.8 million private gardens.

There will be three Green Club events over the course of the semester. Dates and times will be advertised via the Facebook group.