What to expect from Orientation!

Isabella Roche Student Services Coordinator


August 23, 2019

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK (some of you may have already arrived!), you might find yourself feeling anxious and uneasy about not knowing what to expect.

To help you feel at ease, read on to get a glimpse of what your first few days in the UK will be like!


  • Our friendly staff members will be waiting to pick you up in our bright red Arcadia Staff T-shirts at the airport! Once you find the Arcadia staff you can relax knowing that we'll help you get to your accommodation stress free. 
  • You will be given a welcome pack with a lot of useful information, including your itinerary, ID card, and a travel card which will give you free travel in London for up to a week! 
  • On your first day we will also provide a welcome meal with your program advisor so you can get to know them and the other students on your program. 
  • We understand that everything will be a blur when you're jet lagged, so we will lead you from your accommodation to the London Center on the first day of orientation so you don't have to worry about navigating the tube on your own!


  • Welcome to Arcadia: Essential Guide - This session will give you a crash course on British knowledge as well as the basics on how to stay safe and well in the UK.
  • Student Life Hacks - An introduction to the Student Life team along with practical advice on how to make the most of your time in the UK, how to save money, and how to get involved with our events and other students!
  • Academics in the UK - Meet our Academics team and learn how academics differ in the UK compared to the USA.
  • Britishness - Dig deeper into what it truly means to be British to try and understand the culture of the place you will call home for the next few months.


  • Resident Life Activities - If you are staying in Arcadia housing, keep an eye out for the Resident Life Activities which will happen during orientation and throughout the semester. These are a great way to get to know other students staying in your housing.
  • Pub Quiz & Tea Bus Tour - Depending on your program you may get to partake in one of these popular British traditions like testing your British knowledge at a pub quiz, or enjoying a sophisticated afternoon tea while taking in the sites of London. Check your itinerary for more details.


  • Explore London - You will be given time to investigate some of the most popular sites of London with a suggested guide given to you during orientation.
  • West End Theatre Visit - The West End is London's equivalent to New York City's Broadway and some of the finest productions can be seen here!
  • Tower of London - During orientation you will get to visit one of the most famous landmarks of London, which has formerly been a royal palace, prison, and is currently home to the Crown Jewels!
  • Faculty-led Tour - Arcadia faculty members will take you out to explore different parts of London and experience them in a whole new way. 

Depending on your program, you may not get to partake in all of these activities. If you are studying at a UK university, rest assured that they will also have plenty of orientation events for you to enjoy! It is our hope that by the end of orientation you will no longer feel like a visitor, but more like a local with plenty of knowledge about your new home. We look forward to welcoming you soon! 

Keep a look out for our other orientation blogs - we'll be writing on what sites to see while you're here, the support available to you, and any other helpful advice to help you adjust in your new home. Stay tuned!