Welcoming new arrivals

David Crout Associate Director for Student Services


October 14, 2015

Well fall orientation has come and gone. Over 350 students on 33 different programs over the course of 7 weeks!

Happy Arcadia staff in lovely red Arcadia tops were waiting to meet new arrivals at the airport who were then whisked into central London for their Arcadia orientation, consisting of an introduction to London and the UK, the British (!) social events, theatre visits, excursions and outings, practical matters about how to live as a student in the UK, money saving tips, as well as the usual health & safety tips before being transported to a new life on campuses in London and throughout England & Wales.

Top comments

"Super friendly staff! I had a great time at the London orientation, thank you so much for all your help!"
- Bangor University student

"Friendly and helpful staff..." 
- London Internship student 

"Arcadia was great!! I really enjoyed and appreciated the orientation."
- Oxford St Catherine’s student 

"The staff was so kind, so helpful, and so patient!"
- Queen Mary student