Tools for Study Abroad

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


June 16, 2014

During orientation we deliver a number of different sessions to your tired and excited minds. The essential stuff is drummed into you, but some of the less essential (yet incredibly helpful) information might get crowded out.

Do you remember us telling you about a really cool link that would help you budget, but you can't quite remember what it was called?

Do you remember us telling you about that discount site, but where is it?

Read on...

Studentbeans - Deals on dinner! You can treat yourself every once in a while, after all. And lots of other deals too.

Walkit - Take advantage of the lack of rain and let this guide you on your walks around London. You'll be surprised at how close a lot of things are.

Markets - Check out ALL the markets.

Timeout London - No plans for the evening? Week? Weekend? Timeout has ideas for you!

Last Minute - Book some last minute theater tickets and get a great deal!

The Applause Store - Sign up for a wide selection of shows and you might get free tickets!

Student Calculator - A handy way of keeping track of the boring money stuff, which is obviously essential.

Match Pint - For all you sports fan out there. Yes, US Sports too.

If you have found any other great tools, do let us know and we can add them to this list.