Time to Talk Day

Polly Penter London, England


February 7, 2019

Time to Talk Day is an annual event that started in 2007 to encourage people to talk openly and honestly about mental health. 

Just like physical health, we all have mental health, and just like with physical health there will be times when our mental health isn't quite right, and we may need a little help. Some people may have long-standing mental health conditions in the same way as some of us have asthma, diabetes or allergies; others may just have periods where they are struggling with their mental health, like we all struggle with flu occasionally. Some people are lucky and may never have any problems at all, just like those people that manage to never catch colds going around the classroom or office! So, it always seems strange to me that people are sometimes still reluctant or scared to talk about mental health when it affects every one of us. As students studying abroad you will be in an unfamiliar environment and may be homesick or experiencing culture shock - this is perfectly natural, but if it is negatively affecting you then we want to be able to help to ensure you get the best experience possible while you're living here.

A lot of organisations are running special events today to encourage people to talk about mental health, but we hope that, as Arcadia students, you feel able to share any problems you may be experiencing and ask for help - in a way, EVERY day should be Time To Talk Day! I've spoken to a lot of students over the past few weeks who have commented on the level of independence required to study abroad, however part of being independent is knowing when to reach out and ask for help. None of us exist in a vacuum - we all need a hand sometimes, and recognising when you need this is important.

At Arcadia we have a lot of support in place for you. You can talk to any of the staff here and they will be able to help you or to point you in the direction of someone who can. You might want to approach your Programme Advisor, or a member of staff you have got to know well during your time here. You could also pop into the Student Life Office, talk to your RLA or call the emergency phone if you need help out of hours. We have great links with local counsellors, doctors and therapists and can help you to access an appointment if you need one.

So our message for Time to Talk Day is: make every day Time to Talk day! If you are not feeling great or could just do with a bit of a hand, come and chat to us. 

The Mental Health Foundation has some great tips for looking after your mental health and Mind talks more about how our mental health affects our general wellbeing.

More information about Time to Talk Day.