The Tour de France is coming to London

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


June 30, 2014

With the World Cup and Wimbledon underway, and the British Grand Prix on Sunday, you might have thought the UK had enough great sporting events. But we can never have enough!

The Tour de France is coming to London and we want to make sure you guys go check it out. While the multiple stages of the Tour take place primarily in France (funnily enough) the tour does often dip into other countries. This is the third time in history that the Tour has come to the UK, since the first race in 1903. It is the most prestigious cycling event in the whole world, and all the best cyclists will be on show competing for the coveted yellow jersey.

Whether you are a cycling fan or not, this is a national event that you will not want to miss and the festival in Green Park is one of the simplest ways to get involved. Such festivals are also taking place in Harrogate, Canary Wharf and Trafalgar Square, so there is plenty of variety when choosing your spot. These fan parks will provide a great atmosphere for the Tour, as well as a ton of interactive entertainment. The festivals will run over the course of the weekend, so you can head along at a time that suits you.

Arcadia staff will also be available to take students along to the final day. Keep an eye on the Facebook group for more information about this.

If you are not planning on watching the Tour, then you might be concerned about the effects on London transport. You can find information about that here.