Suruchi - Leaving London

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


December 16, 2014

Earlier in the semester Suruchi, a London Internship student, wrote us a blog about her first month in London. She has now been kind enough to write us another post as her internship and time in London is coming to an end. 

It’s hard to believe that my time in London has almost come to an end. These past few weeks have been filled with even more adventures and time spent with my wonderful friends here in the city. It’s crazy to think that over the past two months I’ve not only gotten to explore London even more, but that I’ve also been able to travel to three other countries and take in the sights and cultures of those places.

In November, I got to visit Athens and even though I was only there for two days, it was an absolutely incredible experience. The city is filled with so much history and the sights were truly breathtaking. Eating real Greek pitas and taking in the views of the city from a high point near the Acropolis made the whole trip an experience that I will never forget. Just two weeks later we made our way to Dublin for a relaxing weekend before the stress of finals kicked in. We spent two days walking around Dublin, visiting the Guinness Storehouse, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and taking in the beautiful lights and foods of one of the local Christmas markets. Then only a week later, we made our way to Paris for one final weekend trip. Seeing the Eiffel Tower in person and eating macrons from Lauduree were just a few of the things we knocked off of our travel bucket list on that trip.

Between all of the trips, everyday spent in London has been just as busy as always, giving me the opportunities to learn and experience new things each day. What I may miss most about my time here is my internship. My co-workers have become my family away from home and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to have spent my time with while here. My internship has been filled with both the chance to gain real world marketing experience all while meeting and getting to know some of the most amazing people. I’ve learned so much from every person at Dishoom as well as having parted a little knowledge of my own through a pumpkin pie I made them for Thanksgiving. Knowing that I have to not only leave London, but also have to say goodbye to all of my co-workers will definitely not make my last week easy to get through, but I know that I now have a family here in London for when I return.

I’ve had such an amazing time here in London. Not only have I had the chance to live in one of the most amazing cities, I’ve met some of the greatest people from all over the world. Leaving won’t be fun, but I know that I will be back soon. Until next time London, this Texan is heading back to the states.


To read more about Suruchi's experiences in London head to her blog Simply Living. Everything from autumnal parks, London sights and yummy food are covered.