Summer Travel Tips!

Isabella Roche Student Services Coordinator


June 24, 2019

Travelling without your parents for the first time can be a daunting prospect. Navigating new countries, accents, currencies, and customs is hard enough, let alone when you might be new to travelling, or even travelling solo. To help combat this, the staff at the London center have put together some suggestions to aid you in your travels. Read on for more...

lucy bent
Assistant Academic officer

"Hosteling can be a great way to save pennies but keep your wits about you; take flip flops for those showers, a padlock to lock stuff away and always have some spare euros on you for the pool table - its the best way to meet people in your hostel. Also a EUR to US power strip, with multiple outlets saves you trying to find an adaptor for every device!"

James Ballantyne
University Relationships Manager

"Look in to your destination before you arrive. There's always the temptation of winging it, especially when you've had a hard week with lots of work due but you'll reap the rewards if you research your destination. My go to websites are Lonely Planets forum and Spotted by Locals - locals recommend places to visit in their home town - avoid those tourist traps!"

Kati Cooper
Student Services OFficer

"Travel light if you can. A weekend trip is more enjoyable if all you have is a backpack. Carting a rolling suitcase around cobble-stone streets gets old real fast."

Andrew George
Regional Director, England and Wales

"Don't get on that plane - let the train take the strain!  We all need to do our bit with regards to climate change and limiting our fly time is one thing we can all do.  Exploring the UK by train is a really great option - it's an extensive network which can get you to some fabulous destinations around the county - it's also far less stressful than flying!"

Polly Penter
Associate Director, student services

"Don't keep all your cash/cards in one place. This means if your wallet is stolen you will have a spare card somewhere to see you through the rest of your trip."

What would you recommend while travelling? Where would you keep going back to, or never visit again? You can keep up to date with all of our travels, across the UK and Europe, via our Instagram. 
