Summer on an Island

Dr. Peter Leuner Regional Director


June 2, 2015

Sound like a vacation? Well that’s not what you’ve signed up for: instead it’s summer school (with or without an internship) in London, but you’ll still be on a relatively small island that is home to nearly 60 million and encompasses 3 countries (England, Scotland, Wales) plus the global megacity that is London.

Summers in London offer you a bewildering array of experiences and opportunities: open-air and roof-top movies, pop-up food outlets, vintage shops, hipster hangouts, a vibrant club scene or a quiet local pub, a walk beside the Thames, a picnic in a park, popping into a museum or gallery (they’re nearly all free) over lunch or …. just go for a city-centre walk (see my lunchtime tip, below).

We’re delighted to be welcoming you to our summer session. You’ll find us accessible, friendly (for Brits… !), and ready to help you with your questions as well as stimulating your curiosity.

Do try and plan thoughtfully: eight weeks is a short time to fit everything in – studying, interning, travelling, relaxing with friends, exploring on your own. It’ll go quickly, but take time to get a feel for this amazing city – 2000 years of history coupled with dynamic modernity, tradition dovetailed with creativity and innovation, unparalleled ethnic, cultural, religious diversity and the whole cohering somehow and there to explore on the bus, the tube or on foot.

Embrace what we have to offer - as Arcadia staff, Arcadia event programming and as a city: you’ll have a summer to remember!


Sunny day, an hour to spare, want a typical London experience? Take a left out of the Center, right on Vernon Place then keep going along Theobald’s Road for about 7/8 minutes till you get to Gray’s Inn Gardens (enter at corner of Theobald’s Rd and Jockey’s Fields). One of London’s three great legal Inns, Gray’s Inn appears in Dickens’ novels and is a wonderful place to sit in, chew a sandwich (lots of choice en route or queue up for a blinder at John Charlick's in Grays Inn Road ) and people watch Londoners on their lunchtime break. Only open to the public from 12:00 – 2:30 then closed off and handed back to the lawyers and their clerks.