Student Spotlight - Meet Jordan!

Natalie Crown Assistant Academic Officer


April 15, 2016

Congratulations to Jordan, our final Student Spotlight winner for this term! She has been nominated not only for her hard work and sunny personality, but also for her involvement in the First Year Study Abroad Experience (FYSAE) program throughout the semester. Jordan has kindly shared her experiences studying abroad in London both as a first-year and direct enrol student.

Can you tell us about your FYSAE and how you have been able to help the current students?

It may sound dramatic but I think anyone who has been on the FYSAE program will relate: it changed my life.

Studying abroad in any capacity is an incredible opportunity no matter when you do it, but I think there’s something special about going through it in your first year. Having your first experience away from home in a different country is daunting but it was so rewarding; it made me a more independent and confident person overall, and that stuck when I went back home. This is something I spoke about with the current FYSAE students, what it’s like to go back after the semester is over and the adjustments you go through. This is the biggest thing that not only FYSAE students, but anyone who has studied abroad goes through, and my biggest piece of advice to the current students was to get involved on campus at Arcadia. That was most helpful when I was adjusting to life after study abroad, and it’s my plan for the upcoming year as well.

This is your second time studying in London, and you chose to stay for the full year at Queen Mary University. How has this compared to your other study abroad experiences?

Naturally being here for twice as long has made me become even more attached to the city than my first time here. Also being directly enrolled in a British university is a lot different than the FYSAE classes because rather than taking classes with just other study abroad students, I’m fully integrated into the student population which is basically like starting at a new school all over again—scary and exciting at the same time.

What do you love most about London?

I love to people watch, and I think London is my favorite place to do it. There are so many people in London at any given moment, and everyone is from different backgrounds and cultures, but all are bound together by this city. I love overhearing conversations in different languages and watching tourists marvel at the beauty London has to offer. It’s the ideal place for an observer.

Where is your favorite place in London?

Not only is Southbank my favorite place in London, it’s my favorite place in the world. Especially Waterloo Bridge. It has the best view of the sunset, and underneath it there’s a used book sale most days which I love to browse because you never know what you’ll find. I have spent so much time walking between Waterloo Bridge and St. Paul’s I could do it blindfolded. Southbank is home to so many things to do and see—theater, movies, museums, restaurants, cafes—and you can see a lot of London’s landmarks there. It’s just a great place to wander and people watch, which is what I spend a lot of my time doing. 

WHat have you found to be the most challenging aspect of studying abroad?

Definitely being away from home for so long. I didn’t go home over the winter break and it was tough being away from my family, but I know in the long run this will only make me appreciate the time I have with them more. 

What has been your highlight of studying abroad?

Among many highlights, one that really stands out was a weekend trip with Arcadia to Liverpool. I’m a huge Beatles fan and I didn’t get to go when I was here on FYSAE two years ago, so it felt like a long time coming when I finally got there. A group of us spent the night at the Cavern Club where a band was playing a bunch of Beatles songs and there were so many people from all around the world singing along and it’s something I’ll never forget.