Student Global Leadership Conference

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


April 30, 2015

Pre-Health Students Attend 2015 Conference in London

Adebayo B. (Bucknell University) and Sabina L. (Trinity University), both studying on Arcadia’s Pre-Health Semester in London program recently attended the Student Global Leadership Conference, organised by the Foundation for International Education.

This year’s conference topic was ‘Leading the Change: Social Justice in a Complex World’ an exploration of ‘the present and future nature of leadership in a world of inequity filled with complex and competing economic, social, and environmental dynamics.’

We asked our two Arcadia delegates about their experience attending the conference on behalf of Arcadia.

Sabina writes:

‘I was very honored to be chosen as a delegate for this conference and it definitely exceeded all my expectations. From the keynote speaker to each and every breakout session, this was one of the best leadership conferences I have ever had the pleasure of attending.

Starting the weekend off with a bang’ Dr. Jok Maduk Jok, discussed what leadership meant to him, and how his upbringing played a huge role in the work he does today.

Keeping with the theme of staying true to oneself in a session with Gabriel Flores, entitled “How to stand out in a tough market: Purpose-led Leadership,” we learned how to look for leadership qualities within ourselves and how to use these skill-sets to our advantage. This session was one of my favorites because we got a chance to really shape our ideas and how we would want to implement them in the future. Overall it was a phenomenal experience to meet leaders of all ages from a number of different countries, cities, and universities.

We networked, we chatted, and we made plenty of goals for the future.

I want to thank FIE and Arcadia for giving me this great opportunity; I hope to take what I’ve learned here and not only use it towards my goals for the future but also to inspire others to do so as well.’

Bayo writes:

‘Words can't explain how amazing the conference was. It was beyond fantastic. We had the opportunity of great and inspiring leaders come talk to us. Also, it was an avenue to meet other students and get to learn about the great things they all are involved in.

So to sum it up, I am extremely grateful to you and everyone else that made it possible for me and Sabina to attend this conference.'