Spring 2016 Competitions

Emma Grant Senior Student Services Officer


January 19, 2016

This semester, Fall 2016,  there are seven $50 dollar Amazon vouchers up for grabs in our Competitions. So while you are busy capturing your study abroad memories on camera, here’s something to keep in mind…

Photo Competition

Whether it’s taken in London or further afield, if you snap a photo that you are particularly proud of this semester you should definitely be entering it in to our Photo competition. All you have to do is submit a photo within one of the categories listed below.

  • #Rural
  • #Urban
  • #Community
  • #PersonalHighlight
  • #Equality

Entries can be submitted on Instagram, simply tag @ArcadiaEngland in your photo along with the hashtag #PhotoComp along with the hashtag for your chosen category.

Don’t worry if you are not on Instagram, entries can also be sent to london@arcadia.edu

Video Competition

The 1 Second Everyday App can be purchased in app stores and is a great way to document your time studying abroad. Take a one second video clip every day and the app will mash them together at the end, making a great memento to take home with you - don't just take our word for it, check out Timothy's entry which was a previous winner last spring.

Each video must be at least 28 seconds long and no offensive material is allowed (including the consumption of alcohol).

Entries for the video competition can be sent in by email to london@arcadia.edu.

The deadline for all competitions is FRIDAY 9 DEcember.
we look forward to seeing your entries!