Orientation time

David Crout Associate Director for Student Services


September 27, 2016

As September draws to a close and October looms, we’ve welcomed, since August, over 360 students to 30 different programs all over England & Wales, from London to Oxford, York to Bangor in Wales.

We’ve laughed and cried at Matilda in London’s West End, we’ve been fascinated as our faculty led us on tours of London including the British Museum, Trafalgar Square and more.

We explored London by boat, traveling up the River Thames from Big Ben and the London Eye in Westminster, under London Bridge and up to scenic Greenwich home of the National Maritime Museum and the start of time.

In the midst of it all, we learnt how to navigate London like a Londoner and how to explore the UK and Europe using planes, trains and buses. We learnt about queuing and pants and why you must 'never' talk on the underground.

We also learnt that we are fortunate to be living and studying in a capital city that is relatively safe, but we should always keep our street smarts, even when frazzled by travel and dazzled by the sights of London, the UK and Europe.

To round off six weeks of orientation we visited the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, surrounded by ravens and Yeoman warders (‘Beefeaters’).

The nights are drawing in and winter will soon be here but we’re off to a great start in a great city.

What did people say about orientation?

‘Fantastically helpful’ - London School of Economics student

‘Had a great time and made some really good friends at orientation.’ Queen Mary, University of London student