Must have apps for Study Abroad

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


August 18, 2015

We all have apps that make life easier and more fun, Whatsapp, Shazam, Angry Birds, the list is endless. Apps will also be very useful when you come to study abroad. We have made a list of apps that will make your study abroad experience that bit better. From budgeting and travel apps to events and academic apps, we have all you need to make your time in a different country go as smoothly as one, two, three.

City Mapper and Moovit

City Mapper for i-Phone and Android /Moovit for i-Phone and Android

Getting around a new city can be daunting at the best of times. Add jet lag and the busyness of London and it can be overwhelming. CityMapper is a brilliant app that tells you the best way to get around, on all modes of transport. It even tells you how much each journey costs so you can keep an eye on your budget. This app is so good, several of the London Center staff swear by it. Similarly, Moovit is a journey planner app but can be used across the UK.

XE Currency

XE Currency for i-Phone and Android

When you arrive in a country that has a different currency it can be hard to work out how much everything is worth. Download the XE Currency app to help you convert your dollars into pounds. It will help you  save you a lot of money. You will also be able to use it in Europe, when you will be using everything from Euros to Markas.

Voucher Codes

Voucher Codes for i-Phone and Android

You don't always have to eat pasta and buy supermarket own brand shampoo on a budget. With the Voucher Codes app you can scan hundreds of money saving deals at your fingertips.  Voucher Codes also has a map function so you can see where the nearest deals are. Perfect for those first few weeks in a new city.

Self Control

Self Control for Mac OS X

This app will help you block out all those distractions on your mac, including websites, mail servers and anything else online. All you do is set up a 'blacklist' and the app blocks them for a set period of time. A great app for all you procrastinators.  


Examtime for i-Phone and Android

As with in the US, finals can be a stressful period of your study abroad experience. Especially as you will have many new distractions. Being, prepared and organized is very important to successfully completing your finals. Help yourself with this great Examtime app which combines mind maps, flashcards, quizzes and notes to help you revise effectively.

Time Out

Timeout for i-Phone and Android

Originally an event magazine, the Time Out app keeps you up to date with all that is going on in the major cities across the UK. The Time Out app, is great to have in your pocket for those, 'what shall we do moments'. It splits all events into easy to read categories, from food and sports to nightlife and festivals.  Again, Time Out is tried and loved by the London Center staff, with some viewing the site daily to plan their next social activity.

One Second Everyday

One Second Everyday for i-Phone and Android

It is easy to forget that, whilst you are studying abroad, everyday is an adventure.  The One Second Everyday app helps you to document your stories, in a punchy and exciting way. Film a video each day and use the app to stitch together one second snippets to make your own movie. It is a brilliant way to remember the fun you had whilst  abroad. Its exactly what, Margot Lied, a student from last semester did. Check out her great One Second Everyday movie here. Also look out for the London Center One Second Everyday competition for your chance to win $50 Amazon vouchers!

All these apps are free to download and we recommend you download them before you arrive.