London Intern Feature: Nicole D.

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


October 16, 2015

Since September, students on our London Internship Programme have been hard at work making the most of their placements. We have been lucky enough to have an intern speak first-hand about her experience at a performing arts centre. Take it away, Nicole!

Hi, my name is Nicole and I’m a junior at the University of Texas at Austin. I work each week at a theatre called The Space, which is actually a converted church located on the Isle of Dogs. It’s a small but mighty venue that hosts a range of performances: everything from comedy to dance to dramas. From the start, they have been very welcoming and I've been able to learn about various business and creative strategies that are vital for running a successful theatre.

I had never dreamed I would be allowed a role like this so early in my placement, but my supervisors were extremely supportive and their trust in me helped in overcoming my nerves.

We recently finished running a show called "The Man Who Found His Freedom." This play was very close to my heart, not only because of the inspirational story, but also because I was given the opportunity to contribute to it's production. The play is semi-autobiographical and tells the story of a man named David, who has actually been part of The Space community for many years. The play depicts David's life with cerebral palsy, showing both his triumphs and difficulties. Yet, despite the odds he faces, David remains kind, funny and open to those around him.

My role as Production Assistant made me responsible for maintaining props and helping create the set. I also had the chance to learn about light and sound design, which I found to be particularly useful since I intend to pursue this in my professional career. I had never dreamed I would be allowed a role like this so early in my placement, but my supervisors were extremely supportive and their trust in me helped in overcoming my nerves. Overall, it was a very collaborative process and I loved every second of it.

Never in a million years did I think I would be offered an experience like this: an internship that combines my passions and career goals, and yet hardly feels like work.

At The Space, there is a genuine sense of community; everyone wears multiple hats and works closely together. In this kind of system, one may think tensions would arise but, at The Space, it brings everyone together, like a family. Even those who do not work or volunteer there on a regular basis quickly become part of the group. Personally, I feel that is part of the magic of The Space. As soon as you walk through the doors, you're not just an audience member or an intern, you’re a valued individual.

Though it has only been a little over a month, my placement has been exceedingly rewarding. Never in a million years did I think I would be offered an experience like this: an internship that combines my passions and career goals, and yet hardly feels like work. No, it won’t always be easy smiles and sunshine (we are in London after all), but the challenges only make the experience that much more fulfilling. I sincerely would not trade this experience for anything.