It's Time to Go Home

David Crout Associate Director for Student Services


December 12, 2016

Congratulations the end of the semester is here...’ve made it through the entire semester, but now it’s time to think about going home again. But what and where IS home? Is London now your home? Are you a citizen of the world?

A stranger in your own home

People talk about study abroad as a ‘transformative’ experience, and it’s actually true. Subtly and slowly you’ve become part of your local community. Whilst home may not have changed, you almost certainly have. You may get home and notice things, attitudes, practices, you didn’t previously notice and you may find yourself questioning them. You may find yourself thinking like a Brit, whatever that means...

Why doesn’t anyone want to hear about my amazing stories? When I was in London, Prague, Copenhagen…
You’ve had a whole semester of of adventures, and people only want to hear about it for 5 minutes!! What are you supposed to do with all those stories! Well,  take your time, you don’t have to tell all your stories at once, and when you need to share, you have your study abroad family to reminisce with.

Everything was better in Britain…

You may find yourself looking back on your study abroad experience with rose tinted spectacles, forgetting the challenges and remembering only the good times.

Loss of independence day...

One of the reason studying abroad is such an achievement is because you’ve had to be more self-reliant than you ever thought you could be. Returning home might lead to some loss of independence, but the confidence you;ve achieved will stand you in good stead in many situation.

Practical matters


Make sure you complete all your academic requirements and formalities before going home. All coursework & paperwork submitted before departure if necessary. Do not miss your exams! If you feel unwell, notify a staff member as soon as possible.


A copy will be sent to your home and an official copy to your home school within 3 months

Housing checkout

Make sure you complete a housing checkout formalities and check to know when your latest housing checkout time is. If you’re leaving early make sure your residences staff know when you’re checking out. Make sure everything is as you found it and all losses and damages are reported. Find out your nearest on street recycling

Getting to the airport

We recommend sharing a pre-booked car for best value versus cost and comfort. Check out our guide for getting to the airport here.  

Travelling after your program ends?

Free luggage storage is provided at the Arcadia Centre. Make sure you extend your health cover as your Arcadia health insurance ends on the last day of your program.

Starting packing and recycling, donating things now. It takes longer than you think.
Free temporary storage facilities are available for a limited period at the London Center.

Claim Tax Back on your shopping

When you go home, you may be able to claim tax back on some items you've purchased when you leave the EU, providing 1) you've purchased the goods within 3 months of departure from the EU, 2) you haven't used them and 3) you're not planning on returning within 12 months.

Look for the Tax Free Shopping sign in-store. Make sure you pack the item and your paperwork in your hand luggage when travelling through the airport or complete the process before you check your baggage in. For more information refer to the British Government Revenue & Customs website.

And finally…

Keep in touch!!

Relive your London experience forever by keeping in touch with us online on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. And if you’re ever in London please stop by and see us! We'd love to hear from you. 

Have a great break!


Student Life