HOST UK Homestay

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


May 7, 2014

Meeting locals can be difficult. Here's your opportunity to experience British hospitality.

Host UK is a charity organization that provides international students with the opportunity to spend a weekend inside a British home for free... Arcadia pays the application fee, you just pay for travel.

Due to the length of the summer term, we would advise that you apply now if you are interested in taking part. Make sure you list Arcadia London Study Center as your institution. You can apply online here.

We have already had some applications, so keep them coming!

The HOST homestay is always a great success and we have testimonials from three previous students to prove it.

I learned much more about British food traditions and really enjoyed experiencing the English countryside and the small and beautiful towns dotted around it. It is a great way to get away from the university pressures and relax and be a guest in someone's home. You can learn a lot about the British culture through your HOST family and gain new experiences. I really appreciated the hospitality my HOST family provided me and all the effort they went to for meals and providing activities to do.

A great memory that I have is of the weather and the trouble it caused: on the first day, we attempted to visit the waterfall in Buttermere, but the wind was so strong that it blew the water off of the lakes at a horizontal angle. Within minutes, we were soaked through to the bone, and had to turn back because it was impossible to walk against the wind! It was a great adventure, though, and when we got back we put our clothes in the dryer and grabbed a hot cup of tea to heat up! I also loved Sandy and Dennis' cats- they had four, and we played with them all the time! Both nights, guests came over, and we had a great time talking about life in the village and eating British food that I've only heard about on TV! VERY wonderful weekend!

Sometimes, it's hard to get a true feel for British culture, especially if you are living in self-catered dorms (as I am). Going on this visit enabled me to see daily British life, taste (amazing) traditional British food, and enjoy the company of a British family! You really gain a deeper understanding of the people, culture, and traditions of this country, and I think that is wonderful! Also, it's a great opportunity to see areas of the UK where you would not normally have gone (i.e., the less touristy, but no less beautiful, sites). This has been one of the best, most memorable weekends in the UK for me, and I would strongly encourage it!'

Again, if you are interested in taking part in the HOST homestay during your time with us then you can register your interest here. When asked for your institution make sure you put Arcadia University London Study Center, and we will take it from there!