Giving thanks away from Home

Dr. Peter Leuner Regional Director


November 24, 2015

I'm sure your thoughts are beginning to turn towards Thanksgiving – for so many of you this may be the first Thanksgiving you've spent away from family and home…. and in a country where Thanksgiving (unlike other imported US traditions like Halloween and Black Friday) has little resonance.

This year, away from family, share with house and flatmates, be inclusive and give thanks for all the opportunities and experiences you've benefited from during your semester abroad.

But those of us Brits that know about Thanksgiving and its significance are sensitive to your thoughts and feelings and your wish to come together at this time of the year. Although classes will be held as usual, in your residences the RLA’s will do their best to help you join one another, celebrate, give thanks and cook up a passable Thanksgiving Dinner even though your families may be distant. And here, at the Center, you’ll be invited to share and give thanks for the things you hold dear.

If you’re catering your own Thanksgiving meal, the good news is that you can source Libby’s pumpkin puree at several supermarket outlets now; ditto pecan pie. Plus, you get to avoid the dishes that you never liked anyway! As you huddle over small cramped stoves, steamy hobs and pinging microwaves, you’ll come to appreciate the culinary tour de force that your mother created almost effortlessly for all those years: don’t forget to thank her and let family and friends know how you’re celebrating.

The more I've come to learn about Thanksgiving, the more I like it: it’s not tied to any specific religion and, at heart, it’s about kindness shown to newcomers (migrants, actually….), about sharing, about reflecting on one’s blessings and about being together as a family: all of these are well worth celebrating. This year, away from family, share with house and flatmates, be inclusive and give thanks for all the opportunities and experiences you've benefited from during your semester abroad.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Director's Corner