Finals Loom Large - Academic Tips

Natalie Crown Assistant Academic Officer


December 1, 2015

Somehow it is already December. You've already made it through mid terms but finals are just around the corner. In amongst all of your excitement for the holidays, and preparations for returning home - your academic performance still needs to take priority. This can be an overwhelming time that sends you slipping into bad habits and feelings anxious.

Luckily, we've compiled this list of simple aids to help you remain organised and positive. If you are doing all of the below, then you are on the right track!

1. Confirm your final assessments.

If it is an essay, check when it is due and how you are required to submit it. Don't assume that it will be the same for every class, and don't leave it till the last minute or you might get a nasty surprise. Take screen shots if you submit it electronically. Electronic issues are often used as an excuse for essays not being handed in on time, so please make sure you have evidence of your attempt to submit.

If it is an exam ensure you know where it is, when it is, and how you are going to get there (in plenty of time). Check TFL, because lateness due to a tube delay will not excuse you.

2. Use your library.

Most obviously, the Senate House (or your direct enroll university's own) library grants access to the books and articles you need to perform at your best. But a library also provides you with a quiet space to work, away from other distractions. If you cannot focus in your halls of residence, take yourself someplace else to revise or write your essays. A change of scenery is always good, even if it's raining outside!

3. Arcadia’s Academic Studio.

Please don't forget that the Academic Studio is there for you to use. Look back at our previous post to learn more about the schedule, how the studio works and what it offers. 

4. Use your university’s resources.

While those of you studying at our partner institutions are encouraged to use our Academic Studio (Skype or email sessions are available to those of you out of London) we also want to remind you to look into the resources that your study abroad university offers you. Each university offers a wealth of support and advice, but it's on you to make the first move and reach out.

5. Past papers.

Visit your department to request , or ask your faculty, past papers. If they are available then they can help you focus your studying. Identify common themes or questions, and practice writing essays that answer them. If you don't have time (or motivation!) to write down full practice essays, then think critically about how you would structure a response.

6. Use office hours.

Speak to your lecturers. Letting your tutors and lecturers know if you run into trouble, and talking with classmates, is essential to your success.  Don’t hesitate to tell someone if things aren’t going as planned – they will help you work it out.

7. Answer the question.

Make sure that you understand and respond directly to the questions asked.

When writing short essays or taking exams, you have limited time and space to develop your argument and to express your ideas.  Plan the structure of your essay in advance and don’t waste your word count on superfluous detail and overly elaborate language – choose and use the best evidence, write concisely, and be sure to address all relevant aspects of the questions while striving for depth of analysis. Furthermore, you should employ the language of formal debate, avoiding colloquialisms, hyperbole, and first person perspective.

8. Don’t Plagiarize.

Check the departmental or student handbook for information on appropriate citation styles and distinguish your words from those of others. This may sound dull, but it's incredibly important. You need to get this right, so make sure you know what you're doing!

We hope this list is helpful, but do not hesitate to get in touch with Natalie Crown, Assistant Academic Officer, or your instructors if you have any questions. 

Finally, good luck!


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