Farewell Jacki Daddona

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


March 12, 2014

For the past year, the London Office has been lucky to welcome Jacki through the door every week. She quickly became an essential part of the team. Not only has she been fantastic at her job, but she has also been a brilliant friend to all of us.

On top of that, the students love her and they are all just as sad as we are that she is leaving.

Now, for some words from Jacki herself.

I cannot express how grateful I am for having the opportunity to work in our London Centre. Both professionally and personally, this has been a year of challenges, changes and quite a few major highlights. Here are my Top 10 Highlights of my Year Abroad!

  1.       Traveled to Amsterdam, Nice, Monaco, Paris, Barcelona, and Reykjavik.  I also explored the UK by visiting Belfast, Isle of Skye, Edinburgh (twice!), Bath, Brighton, York and Nottingham.
  2.       Learned how to use an iPhone courtesy of being on the Emergency phone.
  3.       Purchased an entirely new wardrobe – thank you Primark.  
  4.       Took advantage of the London arts scene by going to the theatre 8 times, countless museum exhibits, and one clown show.
  5.       Michael Jackson Friday’s in the Student Life Office.
  6.       Fancy Dress Parties!!!!  I rang in the New Year with Emily in our finest disco attire, sang along to Moulin Rouge with Natalie and Gabby, and did the Charleston dressed as a flapper!
  7.       Lived in the West (Notting Hill), South (Clapham), North (West Hampstead) and East (Mile End).
  8.       Ate at my first Michelin Star Restaurant.
  9.       Supported eighty-seven 18 year olds through every sniffle, concern, and lost passport/wallet/laptop/ phone. But I also gave pep talks and lots of advice, helped plan trips, and got loads of hugs when I left.
  10.   The chance to work with an amazing UK team!!

See you soon Glenside!

To all of our students, past and present, please do join us in sharing the love for Jacki. We know she's had a great impact on you guys too.