Cabinet War Rooms

David Crout Associate Director for Student Services


January 27, 2015

Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms takes you back to life as it was during the darkest periods of World War II. But don't let put you off, out of all the trips we offer, this is one of my favourites.  

The government adjourned from the nearby Cabinet Office to an underground bunker in Whitehall. Churchill refused to move out of London during the war, despite the risk from German bombing campaigns and despite knowing the cabinet war rooms would not survive a direct hit.

The war rooms provide a fascinating glimpse into life and the secret operations of wartime government, showing us where people worked and lived in extraordinary conditions in extraordinary times. Now we know the outcome of the war, but the war rooms introduce us to a time when the outcome was far from certain.

Join us as we disappear underground and journey back in time and find out more about this fascinating period in British history.