Arcadia Explores - Information Age at the Science Museum

Natalie Crown Assistant Academic Officer


November 5, 2015

Our final Arcadia Explores event is coming up soon, and it would be a huge shame if you missed it! Join Arcadia faculty member Dr Laurence Scott for a tour of The Information Age gallery at the Science Museum.

The Information Age

These days, we take information technology for granted. We carry our mobiles around with us wherever we go, we spend our days glued to our computers. Sometimes, we are guilty of not appreciating the levels of innovation that made the world what it is today.

This exhibition celebrates more than 200 years of innovation in information and communication technologies. The tour will visit each of the six zones that form the gallery, each representing one of the following technology networks that changed the world: The Cable, The Telephone Exchange, Broadcast, The Constellation, The Cell and The Web. The gallery will inform you about the important events that shaped the development of these networks, from the growth of the worldwide telegraph network in the 19th century, to the influence of mobile phones on our lives today.

Perhaps you know nothing about these networks and the figures that were involved in developing them. That doesn't matter. Join Arcadia Explores and learn about wireless technology saving lives on the Titanic and spreading word of the disaster to the world within hours. 

How to sign up?

For further information regarding when this tour is taking place, head over to the Fall Facebook group. Join the event via the group and in doing so, you will have signed up.

Please do let us know if you change your mind about attending, as we would like to open your spot up to others in that case.