3 Tips to Keep Your Academics on Track

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


February 17, 2015

With mid-terms on the horizon we have put together three key tips to help you keep on track.


Reading week is here, or near, or barely over. Have you stayed on top of your reading? There is still time to get to the library and get stuck in to some of the suggested reading. Even if you are travelling, there is always down time, so put it to good use and read.

Course Confirmation Form

By now you will have received instructions as to how to complete your Course Confirmation Form for Arcadia University. This is a required document for you to complete, so please ensure you have filled it out and pressed submit.

Assessments and Exams

Do you know how you are being assessed? How much is each assessment worth? When are they? If you don't have your final exam schedule yet, no worries, but make sure to ask your department or study abroad office when the exam timetable is due to be published. And stay away from booking any travel until you have your exam timetable in hand. Departments will not move exam times.

If you have any academic questions, then come along to or arrange a Skype session with the Academic Studio at the London Center.

Keep an eye out for the Preparing for Finals post later in the semester.


Academic News