HOST - Homestay with a UK family

James Ballantyne December 21, 2014

We are extremely keen for you to experience British life outside of your campus, which is why we pay the application fee for HOST - a home stay with a British family. In the Fall semester, Megan, a student from Suffolk University took advantage of this… More

Suruchi - Leaving London

James Ballantyne December 16, 2014

Earlier in the semester Suruchi, a London Internship student, wrote us a blog about her first month in London. She has now been kind enough to write us another post as her internship and time in London is coming to an end.  It’s hard to believe that… More


James Ballantyne December 15, 2014

Budgeting may not be the most thrilling of subjects but it sure is important. When you come to a new country it is safe to say you will be spending more money. You will buy that over priced coffee because you're unsure were the equivalent of Dunken Donuts… More

Talk of the Town! - A History of Weather

Natalie Crown November 20, 2014

Our third and final Talk of the Town! meeting is coming up fast as we slip into December. If you haven't been along to one of these yet, then you really should try and snap up a spot. If you have already come along, then you know how much you don't want… More

Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World

Natalie Crown November 13, 2014

Last night, a number of our students wandered down to the West End to watch Billy Elliot. This musical event was part of our Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World series. Similarly, in just over a week a large group of our students will be taking a trip… More

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