How to Get More Out of Study Abroad

Sara Sayeg February 9, 2018

You might have heard the acronym, CLC, used during orientation and by your lecturers, but what is it exactly and what is the incentive for completing one? We'll let Dr Chris McMillan, who oversees the CLC (Co-Curricular Learning Certificate), explain… More

Spend a Weekend in a British Home

Sara Sayeg January 11, 2018

It's a weekend being housed by incredibly nice people who want to show off a new part of the world to you. It is like having a built-in tour guide. It helped curb my homesickness and was a great break from the routine I have established for myself." -… More

Fall's Fantastic Volunteers

Emma Grant December 29, 2016

Volunteering is something that I’m sure everyone would acknowledge is a worthwhile and rewarding thing to do. But, finding the time to do it is often one of the biggest barriers to more people getting involved. So when students sign up to take part in… More

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