Today we are featuring Kelly Brickey, one of our London Now students. As part of her Journalism class, led by faculty member Veronique Mistiaen, Kelly was given the opportunity to visit the base of the Guardian newspaper. The group were very lucky to… More
We are very proud to share the news that Dr. Richard Maguire, one of our core faculty has won an excellence award for his teaching. Dr. Maguire plays a key role in the success of the London Center shown by his engaged and energetic classes each and every… More
With exams just around the corner we are running a Exam Prep session for all students on Arcadia programmes, this includes direct enroll.
This session will help you devise strategies for your upcoming examinations, including advice on how to compose… More
With mid-terms on the horizon we have put together three key tips to help you keep on track.
Reading week is here, or near, or barely over. Have you stayed on top of your reading? There is still time to get to the library and get stuck in to… More
The Academic Studio is a service that we offer to all students, including those on direct enroll programmes, providing academic advice and support.
Our full time faculty members have weekly office hours throughout the semester, during which they are… More
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