Finals Loom Large - Academic Tips

Natalie Crown December 1, 2015

Somehow it is already December. You've already made it through mid terms but finals are just around the corner. In amongst all of your excitement for the holidays, and preparations for returning home - your academic performance still needs to take priority… More

CLC: Co-curricular Learning Certificate

Natalie Crown October 22, 2015

One of the most important and, potentially, challenging aspects of the study-abroad experience is  engaging meaningfully with the host culture. Arcadia’s Co-curricular Learning Certificate offers students a formalized way in which to participate in British… More

Academic Studio - Essay Evolution!

Natalie Crown October 8, 2015

Yes, essay evolution - or something along those lines... By now you will have no doubt noticed the signs dotted around the London Centre advertising the academic studio. Perhaps you saw the word 'academic' and your brains shied away in terror, but we… More

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