
Thomas Crosby


Internship Coordinator

Remembering One Hundred Years since the Great War

Thomas Crosby November 9, 2018

On Sunday, citizens from across the UK and Commonwealth will gather to observe Remembrance Day. This weekend’s event is of special importance as we will mark one hundred years since the conclusion of the Great War. What is it all about? The Great War/First… More

World Cup Fever

Thomas Crosby June 12, 2018

“Three Lions on a shirt, Jules Rimet still Gleaming…” Still upset about the US not qualifying for the World Cup? Need a team to support? Then look no further than getting behind England as we look to end 52 years of hurt. The birthplace of football… More

2018 Regional Trip to Berlin

Thomas Crosby February 14, 2018

Berlin, the site of German reunification in 1990 also witnessed a slightly different coming together this past weekend, as Arcadia students from England, Ireland, and Scotland joined up to explore the historic city. On Friday morning, students braved… More

The Evolution of the Tower of London

Thomas Crosby January 17, 2017

This semester, Arcadia is offering you the opportunity to visit the world renowned, Tower of London. Although its official title is, Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London – rather long-winded I know – the differentiation between… More

A Day in the Life of a Publishing Intern

Thomas Crosby November 20, 2013

By Ashley Sousa, Emerson College student on the London Internship Program Every morning, I try to get up early enough to eat breakfast. It never really happens. I don’t intentionally sleep through my first alarm, but there’s a reason I always set more… More