
James Ballantyne


Regional Program Manager


James Ballantyne April 22, 2014

Today is the last day of Passover, the Jewish festival that recalls the story of the Israelite exodus from Egypt, following centuries of bondage. Arcadia Trustee Lyanne Wasserman, and her husband Barry, kindly sponsored the provision of multiple opportunities… More

Photo Competition - Spring 2014

James Ballantyne April 14, 2014

The standards of this semesters photo competition were very high. As in the past, the competition was split into four categories; Community, London, Personal Highlights and Rural. There were some fantastic shots across all categories, sparking great debate… More

End of Semester Event

James Ballantyne April 7, 2014

It's that time already. Yes, the end of semester event is this Thursday and we hope to see you all there. This event is always a highlight, bringing students, staff and faculty together under one roof to reminisce about the semester that has passed.… More

Laurence Scott - BBC Radio 3

James Ballantyne April 4, 2014

We are very excited to share Laurence Scott’s upcoming news. On April 6th we will all be tuning in to listen to his Sunday feature on BBC Radio 3. He will be celebrating 50 years of Merchant Ivory Films, and his list of guest speakers is really quite… More

Oxford - Spring Visit

James Ballantyne April 2, 2014

This past weekend, a group of 41 students went on the Oxford trip. They were given a historic walking tour of the beautiful city, as well as entry to Christ Church College. After that, the afternoon was free for them to do as they wished. It was a hugely… More

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