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What to expect from Orientation!

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK (some of you may have already arrived!), you might find yourself feeling… More

Isabella Roche Student Services Coordinator


Isabella Roche


Student Services Coordinator

What to expect from Orientation!

Isabella Roche August 23, 2019

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK (some of you may have already arrived!), you might find yourself feeling anxious and uneasy about not knowing what to expect.To help you feel at ease, read on to get a glimpse of what your first few… More

Explore the UK & Beyond! Fall 19 Events

Isabella Roche July 23, 2019

 For students joining us in the Fall, we are very excited to announce our events that will be on offer to you! We’ve been working hard to select some of the best experiences that we think will be a great introduction to your new home in the UK, from action-packed… More

Student Experiences: Tara Denney

Isabella Roche July 14, 2019

The student experience is so important to us at Arcadia, and we love hearing about what our students get up to while they study with us. This time around, Tara Denney, one of our Interns, is sharing her experience of the Wales Adventure Weekend. Read… More

Summer Travel Tips!

Isabella Roche June 24, 2019

Travelling without your parents for the first time can be a daunting prospect. Navigating new countries, accents, currencies, and customs is hard enough, let alone when you might be new to travelling, or even travelling solo. To help combat this, the… More

The Best Places to Study in the UK!

Isabella Roche April 26, 2019

With exam season upon us, it seems like every desk at the library is taken, and every coffee shop table has a permanent resident. Where can you go to study? If you're sick of your university library, and don’t feel like studying in your room, read on… More

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