
Emma Grant


Senior Student Services Officer

Spring 17 Competitions

Emma Grant January 24, 2017

Take part in our photo or video competition this semester and be in with a chance to win one of six $50 Amazon vouchers! Photo Competition There are five categories that you can submit your photos to and a winner from each will be selected. Our fifth… More

Study Abroad on a Shoestring

Emma Grant January 12, 2017

During your first few weeks of studying abroad it may feel that your spending is out of control. There's bed sheets, home stuff and in country phones to sort out. As well as all the extra social events and exploring that you’ll be doing while getting… More

Travelling Around London, The UK and Beyond!

Emma Grant January 5, 2017

As your semester in London begins, we wanted to do a quick round up of some top travel tips that should come in handy as you navigate your way around London, the UK and beyond! Getting Around London Before you head off anywhere, make sure you download… More

Fall's Fantastic Volunteers

Emma Grant December 29, 2016

Volunteering is something that I’m sure everyone would acknowledge is a worthwhile and rewarding thing to do. But, finding the time to do it is often one of the biggest barriers to more people getting involved. So when students sign up to take part in… More

Celebrating Black History Month

Emma Grant October 14, 2016

Black History Month (BHM) started as a week in America in 1926. By 1976 it had become an annual month long celebration, but it was not until 1987 that it started in the UK. In the UK BHM is celebrated in October, unlike in America where it is celebrated… More

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