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The Importance of Remembrance

If you've listened to British radio today you may have heard that there will be a service this morning in Westminster Abbey… More

Andrew George Regional Director UK & Ireland, Director of London Center


Andrew George


Regional Director UK & Ireland, Director of London Center

The Importance of Remembrance

Andrew George November 11, 2020

If you've listened to British radio today you may have heard that there will be a service this morning in Westminster Abbey to commemorate 100 years since the burial of the Unknown Warrior. Like the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier unveiled at Arlington National… More

Update to Spring 2020 Arcadia Programs

Andrew George March 17, 2020

The Spring 2020 Arcadia programs in England have been suspended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Students should look for emails from Arcadia for specific information and general updates can be found on Arcadia's Coronavirus updates blog and FAQs.  More

Dr. Laurence Scott on the BBC

Andrew George March 26, 2018

Arcadia London Center's Dr Laurence Scott, Senior Lecturer, participated in a discussion entitled "Has Social Media Cracked the Code to the Crowd?" which was recently broadcast on BBC Radio 3. You can listen to the discussion via the link to the programme… More

It's Time to Say Farewell

Andrew George December 15, 2017

It's hard to believe the semester is drawing to a close already...   It seems so very recently I was writing words of welcome and now the time comes around to bid you farewell on behalf of all the faculty and staff here in the London Center. We’ve… More

Auf Wiedersehen, Au Revoir, Goodnight Vienna!

Andrew George March 31, 2017

This past Wednesday saw further historical events in our disentanglement from the European Union in the wake of our vote for Brexit in last year’s referendum.   Prime Minister, Theresa May, triggered Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon – the Article which… More

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