"Unlocking Barcelona" by Jordan Kindinger

Aixa Traoré Student Life and Support Service Coordinator


December 7, 2016

Considering all its possibilities, picturing Barcelona in one image can be a tough task and picturing a study-abroad experience in this city can be a real challenge! However, our student Jordan Kindinger has been able to do so with this meaningful photograph you see above and with this wonderful text:

Unlocking Barcelona

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” -Albert Einstein 

I cannot measure the amount of growth that I have seen in myself throughout this past semester because it is simply too great. I come from a small town in Ohio where I live in a very comfortable routine, so moving to Barcelona for 4 months was somewhat of a challenge and a bit out of my comfort zone. However, the idea of a big city with a great deal of people speaking a variety of languages wasn’t going to deter me; I was ready for any challenge in my way, even if they were small like figuring out how the metro system works or how to unlock my apartment door. For me, this photo represents all of the challenges that stood in my way that I was able to surpass in order to reach the experience of a lifetime in a city that words cannot describe. My time in Barcelona has taught me so many things, but the most important is that yo puedo hacer cualquier cosa. 


Thank you so much Jordan for sharing a little piece of this life-changing experience with us. Now that the end of the Fall 2016 program is getting closer, it's great to see that our students have reached so many goals and learned so many things!
