Sweet Sant Medir!

Elena Lázaro Housing and Accounting Coordinator


February 14, 2019

It is celebrate the 3rd of March, and it is one of the Barcelona festivities that have firmly rooted placed in the village of Gracia, even though there are Sarria, Sant Gervasi and la Bordeta districts that participate as well.

It is very known because the big quantity of sweets they are thrown away to the streets from horses, carriages and trucks.

Starting at 9am, the different groups of people  belonging to Sant Medir, will launch their way to Collserola Hill where the Sant Medir Church is located. During their walk they will start spreading sweets with their best kind-sweety gesture. They usually stop in markets, schools, and squares where old people tend to be. Then, once all the groups arrive to the Hermitage, the mass will have place at around 1pm.


The main parade which the crowed public is waiting for, will start at 8pm and it will go through Gran de Gracia from up to down and on their step, they will throw tons of sweets. The different groups of this festivity composed by horses, carriages and trucks and  always preceded by a band of musicians making cheerful and funny the show, will be proud to carry on this popular tradidition that comes from nineteen century.


If you think you will go to see this party, you should be prepared and take with you a bag or various because you will not stop to collect sweets. Some people come with umbrellas, not because they know the weather prediction, it is to pick sweets up easily and fast!Sweets on the ground



At the end of the day you will walk with difficulty around Gracia due to the ground will be sticky by the sweets crushed to the ground.