Staying Connected, Feeling Strong

Marta Cabrera Assistant Director


March 19, 2020

We all need some time to process what is happening around the world. Last week was hard for our students in Granada, a true roller coaster for everyone.

We are happy to know you are now safely home, taking care of yourselves, resting after all these stressful events, and staying safe.

The semester was short and ended unexpectedly, but we are truly thankful to have spent priceless moments with you.

You all have a great opportunity now to reflect on everything you have achieved during your time in Spain. I told you at orientation that the opportunity you had was unique, and you should make the most of every minute ahead of you: trying new food, meeting new people, visiting new places, learning new words, making new mistakes. I am sure you all created unique memories and you will cherish your time in Granada and Spain.

We would love to share these memories here! Would you send us your favorite Spain stories and pictures for this blog? It will be a meaningful way to bring us all together. We would love to hear about the highlights of your semester, your feelings, your stories abroad, and even what it is like to be back home now (you can email everything to me:

Please remember we are still here for you. We truly care about you, we are committed to provide you with the necessary tools to finish the semester and the academic year, and we will keep working to ensure you receive the quality education you deserve from us.

Here is to patience, understanding, solidarity, generosity, and calmness.

Stay safe, stay strong.

Hasta pronto! 


Around Granada