Spring 2019 Barcelona Apartments

Elena Lázaro Housing and Accounting Coordinator


January 31, 2019

The semester is arriving at the end of its first month, and our students who live in apartments are already more than settled.

Due to the low number of students during this Spring 2019,  Arcadia Barcelona Housing was able to have all the apartments in the same location, to be more specific, in the same street at Eixample neighborhood.

This well-organized district is considered as a central one in the city, so our Arcadia students are really well located in Barcelona. They have less than a 10-minute walk to Arcadia, and this is fantastic for them, they really appreciate it. The area also provides them all the facilities to survive in their day by day life, it has supermarkets, a traditional market, bank offices, bars, restaurants, pharmacies, post offices, and other kinds of shops.

What do they look?

The buildings were constructed in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, so nowadays they are considered ancient ones. That doesn’t mean they are bad looking or old, it is totally the opposite. They look really great, giving character to the city. One of the buildings our students have been living in has been catalogued as Modernist,  so you can imagine how beautiful is. It is full of ornamental details, mosaics, and colours. Each detail reminiscent of those centuries.

As the housing coordinator here in Arcadia, I am very proud to house our students in this kind of apartments.

These are very wide, with an average of 6 rooms in each, its entrance, a minimum of 2 bathrooms,  kitchen, living room, spare room, and in some of them you can find a dining room provided with large windows where there is plenty of natural light.


Duties & Responsibilities

Living in this kind of accommodation, students can experience being independent and they have the opportunity to share with other students like them from other different nationalities, mostly from Europe and South America.

Students will also have to learn the local rules, as they are living with locals in the same building where noise continues being one of the main problems. There is also another common housing concern, the mess, overall in the kitchen and bathroom. And this sometimes creates discomfort among them.

In orientation week, we try to make them understand these points and about much more, but they don’t fully understand until they just have them in front of. The reality always is much more than fiction!

The most important things are respect and communication, ah, and of course, to be well organized and tidy.

But don’t forget to enjoy the city, Barcelona is waiting for you all!