One week left!

Aixa Traoré Student Life and Support Service Coordinator


December 29, 2016

There’s only one week left for our Spring 2017 students to start their adventures with Arcadia Barcelona. We are so excited and can’t wait to meet them!

Studying abroad is a lifetime experience that can enrich you in so many ways. Being open-minded and willing to learn about the new local culture that surrounds you is the key to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a fulfilling experience you’ll surely never forget.

Keeping that in mind, we’ve prepared an exciting schedule of co-curricular and cultural activities hoping students choose to make the most of their semester in Barcelona. Among other things, students will have the chance to: 

  • Explore the streets, squares, restaurants, shops and cafés of one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Barcelona: Gràcia Tour.
  • Work out while having fun and meeting new people in one of the most beautiful green areas of the city: Fitness Boot Camp in La Ciutadella Park.
  • Have some fun getting lost in the oldest garden in Barcelona: Parc del Laberint.
  • Find out more about Spanish food while tasting a great variety of Pinxos and Tapas: Spanish Gastronomy Night.
  • Learn how to dance at the typically cheerful Catalan Rumba sounds: Rumba Workshop.
  • Watch and experience a live human towers practice: Castellers Practice.
  • Visit one of the most amazing and famous works designed by Gaudí: Park Güell.
  • Travel back to the 30s to see how citizens of Barcelona protected themselves from the bombings during the Spanish Civil War: Bomb Shelter Guided Tour.
  • Walk through the World’s largest Art Nouveau site which combines history and beauty: Hospital de Sant Pau.
  • See awesome views of Barcelona from the remains of an anti-aircraft site: Bunkers
  • Go together to a concert in a unique Modernist venue: Palau de la Música Concert.
  • Learn how many locals relax and switch off from stress by hiking with spectacular views of the city in the Collserola mountain range: Collserola Hike.
  • Get together to watch a Spanish movie: Spanish Cinema Night.
  • Discover one of the most famous and beautiful coastal towns of Catalonia: Sitges Day Trip.  

And there might be more coming!

We are looking forward to enjoying all these activities over the program and having a wonderful time with our students!  
