La Mercè 2016 is already here!

Aixa Traoré Student Life and Support Service Coordinator


September 22, 2016

Today is a special day in Barcelona. Apart from being the first day of fall and the Day Without Cars, it’s also the day when Barcelona’s greatest event of the year begins: La Mercè 2016!

La Mercè (also known as “Les Festes de la Mercè”) is the Festa Major of Barcelona, which is the most well-known and biggest festival of the city. We celebrate it on every September 24th to honor the Patron Saint of Barcelona – the Virgin Mary who’s called Mercè, translated as “Mercy”. The festival goes on for four days (from the 22nd and until the 25th this year). Hundreds of free events for all ages and for all tastes take place during the festival.  

Tradition and culture are clearly part of the festival. You’ll be able to see traditional Catalan dances such as Sardanes, also Castellers (human towers) live performances, Gegants (Giants), Capgrossos (“Bigheads”), the beasts of Barcelona like the Eagle and the Dragon of Ciutat Vella and so on so forth. On Saturday at 12 pm, during the Seguici de Festa Major (a big parade that starts in Plaça de la Mercè, near the port, and finishes in Plaça Sant Jaume, near the Gothic Cathedral) you will be able to see many of the beasts and cultural symbols of the city parading through the Gothic Quarter, and accompanied by live traditional Catalan songs. Tradition will also involve fire for those of you who want to experience the Correfoc (literally “fire-run”). If you don’t dare getting near the fire, you can always see it from the Barceloneta beach, where you’ll be able to see beautiful fireworks on Friday and on Saturday from 10 pm.

Music is also a very important piece of La Mercè. Music will be present in you have a wide range of concerts and musical events such as dances, parades and performances all throughout the festival! You’ll find all types of music, and from Catalan and Spanish bands to International bands or singers.   

As for performances and shows, many would highlight the circus performances you’ll come across if you go to the Montjuïc Castle. It’s also interesting to see the alternative theatre or the artistic installations you’ll find in Ciutadella Park. However there are so many events that you might want to check the program at the official website.

The festival will sadly reach its closure but in a special way: the Piromusical –an astonishing fireworks show that takes place at the Magic Fountain, near Plaça Espanya. It is the grand finale that unites music, fireworks and the magically illuminated water of the fountain, announcing the end of the festival.

Have fun if you happen to be around the city for La Mercè!