International Education Week in Granada

Sergio Pajares Granada, Spain


November 11, 2021

The Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset once said: “Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.” This quote is essential to understand that learning is a continuous process and we, as individuals, are responsible for what we learn and what we want to be.

The Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. This place was not only important because of the knowledge it contained, but because of the fact that that knowledge was there to be shared, discussed, and improved.

As part of the International Education Week, the Arcadia in Granada Office has compiled several online resources and activities focused on education and Spanish culture to be shared with students, faculty, parents, and the rest of the community.

Crossing the Pond may not be easy these days, especially with a pandemic. However, you can enjoy and learn more about Spanish culture by having a look at these activities:

  • 1st International Conference on Education and Flamenco. It is widely known that flamenco is part of the Spanish culture and heritage. This art form is not only conceived as folkloric music and dance but as a way of expressing feelings and ideas. This conference is intended as a meeting forum for teachers and professionals who are seeking new tools allowing them to integrate flamenco into the curriculum in an innovative, enjoyable, transversal, and interdisciplinary way. Education through culture is a great way of promoting social transformation and the inclusion of flamenco in schools is seen as an innovative idea that improves the teaching practice and transforms it into a vital, social, and emotional experience involving all members of the educational community. This conference will be held from November 17 to November 19 in Granada as a live-streamed event.
  • Temporary exhibitions. The Madrasa of Granada was the first Arab public university in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages. Although the original building is now part of the University of Granada (established in 1531), it has been restored and open to the public as the UGR Cultural Center. You can visit some of the exhibitions held there by visiting its official website. This week you can see the following exhibitions: Conjugated Body by artist Miguel Benlloch, Symbiosis by the UGR, and many temporary exhibitions held by the UGR Cultural Center.
  • Museum of Fine Arts in Granada. Inaugurated in 1839, this museum was moved to its current location, the Palace of Charles V, in the grounds of the Alhambra, in 1950. It contains many paintings and sculptures from the 15th-20th centuries, with works by artists such as Alonso Cano and Mariano Fortuny. You can take a virtual tour of this museum here.
  • Science Museum in Granada. Sciences are complex sometimes. Being able to teach them and even learning some concepts is not always easy. For this reason, The Science Museum in Granada offers you the chance to learn through different videos in Spanish. It is the perfect way to improve your Spanish skills and learn more about environmental issues, the human body, physics, and ecosystems. They have their own TV channel.
  • In Spain, the Romani are the most well-known ethnic group. Their importance in our society is being claimed from different sectors and fields of study. In fact, new foundations are being created to close the gap between Roma and non-Roma. The Roma Education Fund (2005) is a good example of this. This foundation provides grants and scholarships to entities and individuals who share its belief in quality, inclusive education and desegregated schools and classrooms. Getting to know other cultures is what makes us stronger. Being part of them is also an essential part of our role as individuals and societies. You can have a look at the different educational projects offered by this community here.

We hope these resources and activities will help you expand your knowledge and curiosity!