Charity Concert for Open Arms

Elena Lázaro Housing and Accounting Coordinator


October 1, 2019

The 29th of October will have place a concert organized by Gandula label and Apolo Club in order to collect money to help Open Arms non-profit organization whose main mission is to protect, by having a presence at sea, those people who try to reach Europe fleeing from war, persecution or poverty.

Last August the Open Arms was placed in the focus media because the Italian government didn’t get them the permission to dock their boat at the port of Lampedusa, leaving during 19 days 151 people who were rescue in the Mediterranean Sea.

Concert tickets are 15euros cost, and the total of the earnings will be donated to Open Arms. If you want to enjoy the concert and collaborate with this ONG, you can buy the entries in this web site Notikumi.

See you in Apolo Club!