Embedded Excursion to Cosentino Center and Girona

Sílvia Serra November 10, 2017

The Cross Cultural Manament and International Finance classes had an interesting trip to Girona on Friday November 10th. We started our day visiting at the Cosentino Center, which is the leader in surfaces for design and architecture.  Isabel Martínez-Cosentino… More

Parc del Laberint

Agustina Balacco October 20, 2017

The “Parc del Laberint d´Horta” is a historical garden and the oldest of its kind, with an important labyrinth, which gives its name. It started in the 18th century following clearly neoclassical lines, filling the garden with Greek and Roman myths such… More

Some Context for Barcelona

Dr. Jaume Gelabert October 9, 2017

As is a well known fact, Catalonia celebrated an unofficial referendum last Sunday, October 1st. Although the intention of voters was to be able to peacefully exercise their right- even while knowing that the results would not be admitted by the Spanish… More

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